Informatica Data Integration Cloud Service (Informatica Cloud) is a cloud-based data integration platform offered by Informatica, a leading provider of data management solutions. The service provides a suite of tools for data integration, data quality, and data governance in the cloud.
With Informatica Cloud, users can easily connect and integrate data from various sources, including cloud and on-premises applications, databases, and file systems. The service provides pre-built connectors for popular applications such as Salesforce, NetSuite, and Workday, as well as support for REST and SOAP web services.
Informatica Cloud also includes tools for data quality and data governance, allowing users to ensure the accuracy, completeness, and consistency of their data. The service provides automated data profiling, cleansing, and standardization capabilities, as well as data lineage and impact analysis features for regulatory compliance and auditing.
Overall, Informatica Cloud is a powerful platform for managing data integration and quality in the cloud, providing users with the flexibility, scalability, and security required for modern data management needs.

Module 1: Informatica Cloud Overview

  • Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services (IICS) as an iPaaS solution
  • Informatica Cloud Terminologies
  • Informatica Cloud Architecture
  • CDI Assets
  • CDI Components

Module 2: Runtime Environments and Connections

  • Runtime Environments
  • Secure Agent Architecture
  • Secure Agent Status
  • Elastic Server
  • Secure Agent Services
  • IICS Log Files
  • Connections
  • Connection Types
  • Creating Connections

Module 3: Synchronization and Data Transfer Task

  • Synchronization Task Overview
  • Synchronization Task – Definition Step
  • Synchronization Task – Source Step
  • Synchronization Task – Target Step
  • Synchronization Task – Data Filters Step
  • Synchronization Task – Field Mapping Step
  • Synchronization Task – Schedule Step
  • Data Transfer Task
  • Activity Monitor

Module 4: Cloud Mapping Designer

  • Cloud Mapping Designer Overview
  • Mapping Designer Terminologies
  • CLAIRE Transformation Recommendations
  • Mapping Data Preview
  • Customizing Mapping Preview
  • Field Rules
  • Best Practices for Creating Mappings
  • Data flow run order
  • Mapping Task
  • Dynamic Schema Change
  • Deploy mapping updates

Module 5: Cloud Mapping Designer - Transformations

  • Source Transformation
  • Target Transformation
  • Filter Transformation
  • Joiner Transformation
  • Expression Transformation
  • Lookup Transformation
  • Union Transformation
  • Mapplets
  • SQL Transformation
  • Aggregator Transformation
  • Normalizer Transformation
  • Rank Transformation
  • Data Masking Transformation
  • Java Transformation

Module 6: Mapping Parameters

  • Parameterization use cases
  • Adding Parameters to a Mapping
  • Creating parameters
  • Parameter Types
  • Using parameter files
  • In-Out Parameter in Mapplet
  • Parameter File Directory
  • Parameter Best Practices

Module 7: Expression Macro and Dynamic Linking

  • Expression Macro
  • Dynamic Linking

Module 8: Replication Task

  • Replication Task Overview
  • Replication Task Features
  • Replication Task: Source and Target Options
  • Other Replication Task Options
  • Resetting the Target Table
  • Generating Non-Unique Index
  • Appendix: Replicating Data to a Flat file

Module 9: Masking Task

  • Masking Task Overview
  • Masking Task: Source and Target Options
  • Data Subset: Row Limits and Data Filters
  • Field Masking Rules
  • Masking Rule Types
  • Refresh Masking Task metadata
  • Reset a Masking Task
  • Masking Best Practices

Module 10: Mass Ingestion Task

  • Mass Ingestion Task Overview
  • Functionalities
  • Configuring a Mass Ingestion Task
  • File Ingestion Task
  • Database Ingestion Task
  • Streaming Ingestion Task

Module 11: Taskflows

  • Taskflow overview
  • Linear Taskflows
  • File Listener Enhancements
  • Taskflow Steps
  • Taskflow Templates
  • Parameters in Taskflow
  • Using REST APIs
  • Invoke a Taskflow through a File Listener

Module 12: Hierarchical Connectivity

  • Web Service transformation
  • REST V2 Connector
  • Hierarchical Schemas
  • Hierarchy Parser Transformation
  • Hierarchy Builder Transformation

Module 13: Intelligent Structure Model

  • Intelligent Structure Model
  • Intelligent Structure Discovery Process
  • Intelligent Structure Example
  • Refining a Discovered Structure
  • Editing an Intelligent Structure Model
  • Intelligent structure models based on an XSD file
  • Using intelligent structure models in Structure Parser transformation

Module 14: Advanced Task Settings and Performance Tuning

  • Primary Key Chunking
  • Lookup SQL Override
  • Partitions Overview
  • Types of Partitions
  • Partitioning Rules and Guidelines
  • Pushdown optimization overview
  • Types of pushdown optimization
  • Pushdown optimization user-defined parameters
  • Secure agent groups
  • Shared secure agent groups
  • DTM performance properties

Module 15: Exception Handling

  • Types of exceptions
  • User-defined exceptions
  • Non-fatal exceptions
  • Default Field Value Setting
  • Row Error Logging
  • Error handling settings
  • Fatal exceptions
  • Bad files or Reject files

Module 16: Administration

  • Licenses
  • Administrator Service
  • User Roles (System-defined Roles and Custom Roles)
  • Creating a User
  • User Groups
  • User Statistics
  • Permissions
  • Object-Level Permissions
  • Organization Hierarchy
  • Sub-Organization
  • Importing and Exporting Assets
  • Asset Dependency
  • Add-on Bundles

Module 17: Automating and Monitoring Tasks

  • Schedules
  • Schedule Repeat Frequency
  • Schedule Blackout Period
  • Schedule Export
  • Monitoring tasks
  • Email Notifications
  • Event Monitoring

Module 18: ICS APIs

  • REST API overview
  • Informatica Cloud REST API
  • REST API Versions
  • Request Header and Request Body configuration
  • Return Lists